People often turn to animal communicators in Dhoby Ghaut SG in order to better understand their pet’s likes and dislikes or discover why certain behaviors may be concerning them, but their telepathic capabilities can also help solve more serious problems.
At first, any attempt at communication between animals can be met with great skepticism; however, its advantages can prove far-reaching.
1. Online
Learn animal communication online at any level that suits you – from beginner to professional and with additional options for private mentoring and support. Classes range from beginner-friendly options for beginning learners up to professional classes for advanced practitioners.
If you’re curious about telepathic animal communication, this program could be just the ticket! A holistic training program covering everything needed to communicate with animals and deepen communion with all aspects of life – this course is especially suitable for highly sensitive people with empathic, spiritual openness or who have undertaken inner healing work; with animal communication courses, expert LIVE coaching classes for Club members and intuitive development lessons as well as an inner healing focus included as part of its offerings.
Pea Horsley offers an approachable, friendly, and welcoming style of animal communication aimed at deepening our connection to nature. Her classes take place every Saturday morning allowing anyone, no matter where they reside in the world, to participate.
2. In-person
No matter what your goal may be – whether that be for yourself, others or both – this workshop provides simple tools and techniques for authentic telepathic communication with both living animals as well as those who have crossed over. You will practice communicating with both living as well as deceased animal companions.
Animal communication isn’t something exclusive to only gifted or enlightened people – everyone can learn this ability, and reawaken it with help from The Animal Communication Clinic. By helping integrate intuition into daily living activities and making it natural.
Spring Farm CARES hosts an introductory Animal Communication course every month on Saturday mornings; classes can be taken incrementally according to your budget. After taking this workshop, participants will feel prepared to interact with animals in communion.
3. Private
Animal Communication is an art rooted in telepathy or mind-to-mind communication through images, words and feelings that allows us to better understand our animal friends while strengthening relationships between animals and humans.
Animal lovers, pet parents, those working with animals (trainers, shelter/rescue workers, veterinarians, groomers, boarding/kennel employees and dog walkers etc), as well as acupuncturists/reflexologists/bodywork practitioners looking to advance their ability to heal physical, emotional and energetic ailments in animals are welcome to attend this course.
Anna uses her no nonsense approach and investigative skills to get to the bottom of issues for both her clients and their pets. She can provide them with specific, detailed, and verifiable information which leads to healing and resolution for any concerns they may be experiencing.
4. Group
Animal communication workshops typically occur in groups. Participants bring photos of their pets for discussion amongst themselves and learn to communicate with them using telepathy – this provides participants with confidence building exercises while honing their animal communication skills.
Students attending this workshop will also learn to connect with people and loved ones in spirit – an essential skill many have been hoping to rediscover for some time now.
Joan Ranquet is a leading pioneer of interspecies telepathic communication and the author of three books in this area. As a TEDx speaker and the founder of Communication with All Life University and Energy Healing for Animals, her work is founded upon reverence, compassion, and kindness; living in Southern California she enjoys her animal family life.