Touch screen displays are the wave of the future. They provide consumers with a fast, easy, and safe way to interact with their computers and make applications that run on the desktop or web browser easier and more accessible. Touch screen devices such as kiosk touch screen and ATM touch screen display all facilitate direct interaction between a user and what’s being shown, eliminating the need for a mouse, touch pad, or any other such peripherals. These devices make a lot of sense, but it’s interesting that manufacturers have yet to produce something which is a huge success. Let’s see what makes these devices so different from existing technologies.
The first thing that a touch screen display has in common with existing computer displays is that there is no need for a keyboard. If you use a stylus instead of a mouse or other pointing device, then there is no need for a keyboard, and if you use your fingers instead of your fingers, then you don’t need a stylus, either. All you’ve got to do is use your finger(s) to point at an application icon on the screen. Once you’re done pointing, you just touch the screen and move your finger(s) over whatever is displayed, and you get the information.
Traditional touch screens operate through the use of electromagnetic radiation which passes through the surface of the display. The electromagnetic radiation interacts with the finger image on the display and produces an image on the screen. Traditional touch screens operate through the use of infrared beams that shine infrared light onto the surface of the display. Infrared light is emitted by the human body, and it interacts with the surface acoustic wave, which passes through the human body and bounce back to the monitor. From the return signal, the monitor knows whether to show you something or hide it.
There are different types of touch screen technology, and the type that you choose will depend upon your requirements and what you’re using it for. Traditional touch screen displays tend to be better suited to business uses where the information is important and changing very frequently. High-end touch screen displays are also used in personal computers. These types are generally seen in a hospital, airports, banks, and various other industries where the information needs to be constantly changing and updated.
Infrared touch screen technology offers much more flexibility than traditional touch screen technology. For instance, you can scan a document such as a receipt and have it appear on the display much like a calendar or schedule. If you need to make frequent changes, then you can easily alter the information as it changes. With this touch screen technology, you can see a different version of the same receipt over again. When you touch the screen to bring up different options, you can see different fonts, different pictures, and so on. In other words, it offers a whole lot of flexibility.
A disadvantage of touch screen technology comes from, how it relies on your finger being able to register information. This can be problematic if your finger is busy registering other things such as touch screens or typing on a keyboard. You tend to lose accuracy when you use your finger to constantly register information. The problem is compounded if you are carrying a laptop around with you because you have to physically drag your fingers along the screen. Touchscreens provide better alternatives if you are using a keyboard as most laptops come standard with a touch screen.
Optical input systems used on tablet PCs give better accuracy because the information is processed by LED or laser. These devices are not sensitive to finger pressure because the information is processed digitally. On the other hand, optical input systems used on smartphones are touch sensitive. The best way to figure out which one is better for you will usually depend on what you will be doing with the phone.
In the end, touch screens are a good choice for many different situations. However, you need to know what you are getting into before purchasing one. If you are someone who normally types on a keyboard, then touchscreens might not be something you need. On the other hand, if you are someone who is more comfortable using a physical device, touch screens may be a great choice for you. New York times has recently crowned touch screens as the best option for touch screen devices on the market today.